Showing 553–576 of 2284 results
Images1 year ago270 views -
Elijah In The Widow’s House Multiplies Bread (from Hagiographic cycle of detail of ‘Prophet Elijah in the desert’ )
Images1 year ago272 views -
Elijah Meets the Sarepta Widow (from Hagiographic cycle of detail of ‘Prophet Elijah in the desert’ )
Images1 year ago291 views -
Elijah Mosaic
Images1 year ago268 views -
Elijah Raises the Widow’s Son (from Hagiographic cycle of detail of ‘Prophet Elijah in the desert’ )
Images1 year ago272 views -
émigration forcée
Images1 year ago258 views -
Emperor Constantine I, Presenting a Model of the City to the Blessed Virgin Mary
Images1 year ago325 views -
Emperor Iustinianus and His Suite
Images1 year ago259 views -
Enghøj Brooch
Images1 year ago307 views -
Enrollment for Taxation Mosaic
Images1 year ago248 views -
Enthroned Madonna with angels
Images1 year ago259 views -
Ephrem the Syrian
Images1 year ago222 views -
Ephrem the Syrian
Images1 year ago249 views -
Ephrem the Syrian
Images1 year ago246 views -
Epiphanius of Salamis Cyprus (salaminskiy)
Images1 year ago291 views -
Epiphanius of Salamis Cyprus (salaminskiy)
Images1 year ago291 views -
Episkepsis Glykophilousa
Images1 year ago258 views -
Ernte, Detail
Images1 year ago266 views -
Erzbischöfliche Kapelle
Images1 year ago237 views -
Erzbischöfliche Kapelle
Images1 year ago262 views -
Erzbischöfliche Kapelle
Images1 year ago266 views