Showing 2065–2088 of 2284 results
The Shrine of the Three Kings, Front Side
Images1 year ago303 views -
The Söderala Weathervane
Images1 year ago241 views -
The Sons of Core Thank God for Their Salvation
Images1 year ago266 views -
The Temptation of Christ
Images1 year ago293 views -
The Three Hebrews Cast into the Fiery Furnace
Images1 year ago278 views -
The Three Kings with King Otto IV
Images1 year ago282 views -
The three Magi (Balthasar, Caspar, Melchior)
Images1 year ago265 views -
The triumph of the rider over the beast
Images1 year ago287 views -
The true Trinity in true unity
Images1 year ago291 views -
The Twelve Apostles
Images1 year ago284 views -
The two witnesses
Images1 year ago266 views -
The Tyrannicides, by Antenor
Images1 year ago262 views -
The Universe
Images1 year ago274 views -
The Vault at the Abbey Church of Saint Foy, Conques, France
Images1 year ago286 views -
The Virgin and Child (theotokos) Mosaic, in the Apse of Hagia Sophia
Images1 year ago282 views -
The Virgin and Child Enthroned with Two Angels
History1 year ago303 views -
The Virgin and Child in Majesty surrounded by Six Angels
History1 year ago356 views -
The Virgin and Child with Saints Nicholas and George
Images1 year ago254 views -
The Virgin Crowned by Angels
Images1 year ago284 views -
The Virgin Orans
Images1 year ago260 views -
The Virgin Orans
Images1 year ago281 views