Spring in a Small Town – 小城之春 (1948)
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Join NowSpring in a Small Town - 小城之春 (1948)
1 May 2024
Spring in a Small Town is a 1948 black-and-white Chinese film, written by Li Tianji (Chinese: 李天濟; pinyin: Lǐ Tiānjì) and directed by Fei Mu, a director known for his empathetic portrayal of women. It was produced and funded by Wenhua Film Company, whose great financial deficit at the time led it to produce Spring in a Small Town on a low budget with a minimalist plot and setting. The film casts only five characters, and it focuses on the struggles of a husband and wife and the ensuing turmoil when Zhang Zhichen, Liyan’s former classmate and, ironically, Yuwen’s former lover, pays an unplanned visit to the residence.
- Wei Wei (actress) (韋偉) as Zhou Yuwen (周玉紋 Zhōu Yùwén), the heroine;
- Shi Yu (石羽) as Dai Liyan (戴禮言 Dài Lǐyán), her husband;
- Li Wei (actor) as Zhang Zhichen (章志忱 Zhāng Zhìchén), Dai Liyan’s childhood friend and Yuwen’s former lover
- Cui Chaoming as Lao Huang (老黃 lǎo Huáng), Dai and Yuwen’s loyal servant;
- Zhang Hongmei as Dai Xiu (戴秀 Dài Xiù), Dai Liyan’s young sister.
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