Cretan school of icon painting
Showing all 12 results
Images1 year ago284 views -
Dormition of Mary with Francis and Dominic
Images1 year ago304 views -
Dormition of Virgin Mary
Images1 year ago267 views -
John the Baptist – Angel of the Desert
Images1 year ago253 views -
John the Baptist – Angel of the Desert
Images1 year ago273 views -
Mother of God Glykophilousa
Images1 year ago248 views -
Images1 year ago263 views -
Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Images1 year ago224 views -
Praises of the Theotokos. Virgin with Tree of Jesse
Images1 year ago258 views -
Saint George
Images1 year ago283 views -
Saint George on Horseback
Images1 year ago232 views -
Virgin Mary
Images1 year ago293 views