Showing 41–80 of 134 results
Terracotta Group of Two Girls Playing a Game Known as Ephedrismos
ImagesFree1 year ago196 views -
Fayum Mummy Portrait
ImagesFree1 year ago223 views -
Fayum Mummy Portrait. Detail from the Mummy Case of Artemidorus the Younger, a Greek Who Had Settled in Thebes, Egypt, During Roman Times
ImagesFree1 year ago185 views -
Inlay, Palmette
ImagesFree1 year ago191 views -
Fayum Mummy Portrait
ImagesFree1 year ago206 views -
Mummy Portrait of a Boy
ImagesFree1 year ago191 views -
Portrait D’homme
ImagesFree1 year ago179 views -
Squat Jug (lagynos) Decorated with Wreaths and a Syrinx on An off White Ground
ImagesFree1 year ago239 views -
Inlay Fragment, Small Colored Squares Forming a Diamond Pattern
ImagesFree1 year ago204 views -
Mummy Portrait of a Boy
ImagesFree1 year ago194 views -
Fayum Mummy Portrait
ImagesFree1 year ago198 views -
Two Handled Glass Bowl. From a Grave on the Island of Siphnos
ImagesFree1 year ago235 views -
Portrait of the Boy Eutyches
ImagesFree1 year ago207 views -
Portrait of a Youth with a Surgical Cut in One Eye
ImagesFree1 year ago190 views -
Mummy Portrait of a Bearded Man
ImagesFree1 year ago382 views -
Fresco from the Tomb of Judgment in Ancient Mieza, Greece (Aeacus and Rhadamanthys)
ImagesFree1 year ago246 views -
Portrait De Femme
ImagesFree1 year ago188 views -
Mummy Portrait of a Girl
ImagesFree1 year ago391 views -
Mummy Portrait of a Young Woman
ImagesFree1 year ago232 views -
Fayum Mummy Portrait
ImagesFree1 year ago204 views -
Aphrodite Anadyomene from Pompeii (detail)
ImagesFree1 year ago245 views -
Fayum Mummy Portrait
ImagesFree1 year ago215 views -
Fayum mummy portrait
ImagesFree1 year ago191 views -
Fayum Mummy Portrait
ImagesFree1 year ago190 views -
Fresco from the Tomb of Judgment in Ancient Mieza, Greece (Hermes)
ImagesFree1 year ago220 views -
Fresco of An Ancient Macedonian Soldier (thorakitai) Wearing Chainmail Armor and Bearing a Thureos Shield
ImagesFree1 year ago252 views -
Fayum Mummy Portrait
ImagesFree1 year ago198 views -
Fayum mummy portrait
ImagesFree1 year ago183 views -
Military Armor, Arms, and Gear from the Tomb of Lyson and Kallikles in Ancient Mieza, Greece
ImagesFree1 year ago194 views -
Portrait of a Young Woman in Red
ImagesFree1 year ago214 views -
Floral Plaque
ImagesFree1 year ago184 views -
Terracotta Pelike (jar)
ImagesFree1 year ago181 views -
Statue of a Woman with Blue and Gilt Garment, Fan and Sun Hat, from Tanagra
ImagesFree1 year ago232 views -
Reconstruction of Thalia, Delos, Greece
ImagesFree1 year ago218 views -
Panel Painting of a Woman in a Blue Mantle
ImagesFree1 year ago223 views -
Fayum mummy portrait
ImagesFree1 year ago192 views -
Fayum mummy portrait
ImagesFree1 year ago203 views -
Fayum Mummy Portraits
ImagesFree1 year ago174 views -
Terracotta Hadra Hydria (water Jar)
ImagesFree1 year ago226 views -
Winged Victory of Samothrace (Nike of Samothrace)
ImagesFree1 year ago205 views