International Gothic
Showing 1–40 of 329 results
Madonna with Child and St.Catherine, St.Nicolas and Donor Gentile da Fabriano
Images1 year ago259 views -
Adoration of the Christ Child by the Virgin (the Nativity)
Images1 year ago226 views -
Basilica Santa Maria Maggiore
Images1 year ago232 views -
Adoration of the Magi (altarpiece)
Images1 year ago223 views -
Images1 year ago228 views -
St. Martin with a Beggar
Images1 year ago210 views -
Madonna with St. Julian and St. Laurenzius
Images1 year ago252 views -
Angel of Annunciation
Images1 year ago207 views -
The Virgin Crowned by Angels
Images1 year ago244 views -
Juin Haymaking
Images1 year ago211 views -
The Communion of the Apostles
Images1 year ago267 views -
Christ as Man of Sorrow
Images1 year ago184 views -
Presentation of Jesus Christ at the Temple
Images1 year ago276 views -
Madonna Col Bambino
Images1 year ago219 views -
Images1 year ago239 views -
Scenes of the Life of St Nicholas
Images1 year ago214 views -
Madonna with Angels and Saints (Maestà)
Images1 year ago205 views -
Images1 year ago215 views -
Calendar: December (Hunting Wild Boar)
Images1 year ago188 views -
Exterior Wings of the Frankfurt Dominican Altarpiece
Images1 year ago252 views -
The Duke on a Journey
Images1 year ago227 views -
The Apostles Going Forth to Preach
Images1 year ago246 views -
The Presentation in the Temple
Images1 year ago183 views -
Carrying the cross (Grey Passion-8)
Images1 year ago202 views -
Scene Adoration of the Magi
Images1 year ago222 views -
Petrarch’s Virgil (title page)
Images1 year ago215 views -
The Meeting of the Magi
Images1 year ago256 views -
Virgin with child and angels
Images1 year ago212 views -
Grey Passion
Images1 year ago213 views -
Grey Passion
Images1 year ago192 views -
Scene of Meeting the Magi
Images1 year ago216 views -
Christ Discovered in the Temple
Images1 year ago224 views -
The Funeral of Raymond Diocres
Images1 year ago259 views -
The Adoration of the Magi
Images1 year ago204 views -
Maria, das Kind liebkosend
Images1 year ago258 views -
Adoration of the Magi Altarpiece, left hand predella panel depicting the Nativity
Images1 year ago222 views -
The Resurrection
Images1 year ago218 views -
A Funeral Service
Images1 year ago226 views -
Psalm LXIV
Images1 year ago217 views -
Martyrdom of the Franciscans
Images1 year ago232 views