Showing all 12 results
Boat Carrying Captives from Nubia, Tomb of Huy
Images1 year ago254 views -
Detail of the Stone Shrine from the House of Panehesy Adjacent to the Aten Temple
Images1 year ago257 views -
Glazed Tile with Palms
Images1 year ago250 views -
Nubian Tribute Presented to the King, Tomb of Huy
Images1 year ago368 views -
Plaque from the Lid of a Coffer Showing Tutankhamun and His Wife Ankhesenamun in a Garden
Images1 year ago253 views -
Relief of Akhenaten, Nefertiti and Two Daughters Adoring the Aten
Images1 year ago267 views -
Relief of Nefertiti in Front of Aton
Images1 year ago249 views -
Smenhkara and Meritaton
Images1 year ago278 views -
Stele Eines Syrischen Söldners Aus Tell El Amarna
Images1 year ago269 views -
Talatat of Queen Nefertiti
Images1 year ago233 views -
Tile Fragment with Mandragora Fruit and Leaves
Images1 year ago253 views -
Two Daughters of Amenhotep IV; Nofernoferuaton and Nofernoferure.
Images1 year ago239 views