Check and Double Check (1930)
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5 May 2024
Check and Double Check is a 1930 comedy film made and released by RKO Radio Pictures based on the top-rated Amos ‘n’ Andy old-time radio. The title was derived from a catchphrase associated with the show. Directed by Melville W. Brown, from a screenplay by Bert Kalmar, J. Walter Ruben, and Harry Ruby, it starred Charles Correll and Freeman Gosden in the roles of Andy and Amos, respectively, which they had created for the radio show. The film also featured Duke Ellington and his “Cotton Club Band”.
- Freeman F. Gosden as Amos
- Charles J. Correll as Andy Brown
- Sue Carol as Jean Blair
- Irene Rich as Mrs Blair
- Ralf Harolde as Ralph Crawford
- Charles Morton (actor) as Richard Williams
- Edward Martindel as John Blair
- Rita La Roy as Elinor Crawford
- Russ Powell as Kingfish
- Roscoe Ates as Brother Arthur
- Duke Ellington as himself
- Robert Homans as the butler
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